Registrations for the 38th edition of the Nature & Environment Film Festival are open!
The 38th Nature and Environment Film Festival, organised by France Nature Environnement (FNE) Isère,
is a not-to-be-missed event for audiovisual professionals, nature lovers and environmentalists alike.
Competitive sections
de sensibiliser le public à la nature et à la protection de l’environnement en faisant connaître les richesses du vivant, les atteintes à l’environnement et les initiatives de celles et ceux qui replacent la nature au cœur d’un développement durable.
de révéler et faire connaître des réalisateurs.trices français et internationaux à travers la programmation compétitive d’une trentaine de courts et de longs métrages.
d’encourager et soutenir la création et la production de tous types de réalisations : documentaires, films d’animation, fictions et films expérimentaux en rapport avec la nature et l’environnement.
Competitive sections
Films must be entered in one of the following categories:
Nature : films with a naturalist slant, focusing on biodiversity, flora and fauna...
Environment : films about the impact of humans on the environment.
Short films : films dealing with the impact of humans on the environment and/or nature films dealing with life, fauna and flora, lasting no more than 30 minutes.
Young public : films about the impact of humans on the environment and/or nature films about living things, flora and fauna, suitable for an audience of 5 to 10 year-olds.
Admission criteria
The festival is open to all genres: documentaries, fiction, animation, experimental and of any length.
Films must relate to the festival's themes.
Their release date must be after 1 January 2022 (2 years before the year of the festival).
For non-French films, subtitles in FRENCH or ENGLISH are required.
Admission criteria
The festival is open to all genres: documentaries, fiction, animation, experimental and of any length.
Films must relate to the festival's themes.
Their release date must be after 1 January 2022 (2 years before the year of the festival).
For non-French films, subtitles in FRENCH or ENGLISH are required.