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Join us for the 36th edition of the Nature & Environment Film Festival! 

In Grenoble, fromNovember 25 to December 3The 2022 edition of the FCNE will take place in the cinemas le Club, la Vence Scène, Mon Ciné and the Museum of Grenoble.
Become a volunteerof a film festival is to discover behind the scenes alongside the organizers by meeting other volunteers in a friendly setting. We call on you before the festival for distribution, during the school festival-from November 21 to December 9-and during the indoor festival.
Many missions are proposed according to your availability and your desires!

La 38ème édition du Festival du Cinéma Nature & Environnement se déroulera du dimanche 24 novembre au dimanche 1er décembre dans les cinémas le Club (Grenoble), la Vence Scène (Saint-Égrève) et le Jeu de Paume (Vizille).


Intégrer l'équipe d'un festival de cinéma, c'est découvrir les coulisses aux côtés des organisateurs en rencontrant d'autres bénévoles et en prenant pleine part à la fête.


Nous faisons appel à vous avant le festival pour de l'aide à la diffusion, pendant le festival scolaire -du 25 novembre au 18 décembre- et durant le festival grand public.

De nombreuses missions sont proposées
suivant vos disponibilités et vos envies !






In the projection rooms, you ensure the exchanges around a film with the speakers and the public. You are comfortable speaking to animate the discussion.

You carry out various missions: fittings, logistics, set-up, shopping, emergencies, various reinforcements... In other words, you are the jokers of the Orga team!

At the end of the screenings, the festival offers to continue the discussions and debates over a drink, in front of the Club cinema. You will be responsible for the service and management of the bar. You will have to be available after the late sessions.

You will have to manage the cinema hall; manage the timing of the evening by ensuring that the film starts on time and that the room is vacated in time, reserve guest seats and accompany them to their places, count entries, welcome the public into the room .

You are in charge of the welcome stand where invitations and badges for volunteers will be distributed. You will be the ambassadors of the festival and will know the programming at your fingertips.

Pour se rencontrer et tout vous expliquer, nous organisons un 

Apéro bénévole


Lundi 28 octobre, à 18h30 à la Maison de la Nature et de l’Environnement

Volunteer registration form
How did you receive the information to be a volunteer?
Serez-vous pré pour l'apéro bénévoles du 28 octobre 18h30 ?

Thank you for your registration. See you soon !

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